Welcome to my webspace.
Here’s a collection of my creative output from the early nineties to around 2020.
Most of the pieces are routed in my interests in surrealism and the early movements of the 20th century.
The paintings are all in oil paint either on canvas or panels.
I enjoy using contemporary materials for the sculptures and reliefs, although some are cast in bronze in very traditional manner.
I’ve managed to collect together most of the work, but there’s a few that have gone un-recorded.
All the pieces are for sale unless stated as sold. I’m open to sensible offers. Please get in touch if you’re interested in a particular piece.
I’ve not been very productive in the last few years due to other interests, without the desire and inspiration I feel the creative process unfulfilling and, as purely a hobby, something I’ll hopefully come back to filled with a new enthusiasm.
Hope you enjoy the images, and feel free to contact me on Facebook or messenger.
For any enquiries please contact me via Facebook messenger or via email